From 24th-25th April, Vietnam Journalist’ Association, Academy of Journalism and Comunication, Vietnam News Agency, People’s Army Newspaper, Viettel Television and University of Vienna jointly organized the International Scientific Conference “Journalism on War Topics” in Hanoi, then organize a trip to the old battlefield in Quang Tri province.
This event is towards to Communication for the 40th Anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification (30th April 1975-2015), on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Vietnam Journalist’ Association (21 st April 1950-2015) and the 90th Anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionnary Journalism (21th June 1925-2015).

The conference is a forum for domestic and international war correspondents and war Journalism researchers to discuss professional experiences in war Journalism. The conference combines practical experiences with theoretical studies in order to provide a comprehensive insight into war Journalism.
According to the program, the plenary session on “Journalism on War Topics: Theory and Practice” takes place at the Academy of Journalism and Comunication (April 24, 2015); Seminar and photo exhibition “practice of war correspondents” at the Vietnam News Agency (April 24, 2015); Seminar “Experirence in using Journalism genres in the war of national leberation and national defense in Vietnam” at the Defense Ministry Guesthouse (April 25, 2015).
The Organization Committee has received more than 40 papers of journalism scientists and researchers, war journalists and correspondents from media agencies and universities from Vietnam and foreign countries. Many delegates and scientists are war reporters, who were present at fierce wars.