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120 delegates attend the Ninth Young Writers' National Conference

Saturday, 01/10/2016 16:06

logochuan - On September 28, 2016, the Ninth Young Writers' National Conference, organized by the Vietnam Writers' Association, was opened at the Museum of Literature of Vietnam (275 Au Co Str., Hanoi), with the participation of 120 delegates from all regions of the country.


120 delegates, who are young writers from all regions of the country, attend the Conference

This conference is an opportunity for organizations,  professional associations and relevant authorities in the fields of culture, literature and arts to better identify young literature; to listen to and acknowledge opinions and aspirations  of all the young writers' representatives; then to draw out programs, activities and mechanisms aimed at fostering and supporting young writers; it is also an opportunity for young writers to meet and exchange with their colleagues in the whole country.


The conference 

Opening the conference, writer Nguyen Binh Phuong, a member of the Executive Board of the Vietnam Writers' Association, the Head of Young Writers Section, spoke briefly about the situation and forces of young literature from 2010 to date: Five years since the 8th Conference, many young writers have become mature and reaped success. In addition to authors who became members of the Vietnam Writers' Association, the last time has seen many new faces, who are creating their own way with a lot of prospects and expectations.

The young writers have written with the attitude and sense of responsibility to the political and social climate. Along with older writers, young writers have participated in illuminating, exploring social issues and sectors in different aspects and come up with their own convincing explanations and interpretations. Young writers have been to remote areas, borders and islands to witness, experience and reflect reality. As a result, an abundant amount of works have been born and received warm welcome from readers of all classes, having a significant impact to the spiritual life of the society. In the field of literary research,  criticism and translation, there has been many young authors with quality works, giving readers access to the top works of the world contemporary literature.

However, there still are discrepancies between the quantity and the quality, between the unique and the diversity; living in the era of information technology and constant interaction, many writers have difficulty in finding solicitude for reflection; a few young writers engrossed by the search for new things have sometimes ignored the minimum requirements of aesthetics, morality, as well as professional dignity.

Criticism, beside good effects, still bears signs of carelessness, superficiality. Comments on one work are sometimes not up to its size and author, upsetting a group of readers, even some young authors.

In translation, while world works flow into Vietnam, not so many works of Vietnamese literature have been translated into foreign languages although we have no shortage of worthy authors.

The member of the Executive Board of the Vietnam Writers' Association - the Head of Young Writers Section also outlined directions to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings and create favorable conditions for the promotion of young authors.


Writer Nguyen Binh Phuong, a member of the Executive Board of the Vietnam Writers' Association - the Head of Young Writers Section read assessment reports on the young literature from 2010 to date. 

In the opening remarks, poet Huu Thinh, the President of the Vietnam Witers' Association said that the conference is the epitome of a large team of passionate young writers who have been involving in literary life for years. Life are welcoming them and giving them the best creation which the previous generations had not got. An airy spiritual space with a rich reality and an increasing literacy all make up endless fields for young talents to flourish and grow.


Poet Pham Phu Thang presents a commemorative photo for the President of the Vietnam Writers' Association, poet Huu Thinh.

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tam in his presentation stated that Vietnam literature from the young generation of writers has seen the air of excitement and confidence. In any social space, the youth has always been the core force, to conduct pioneering social formations. Young people who are dynamic, having skills and knowledge of society and technology, that their older generations do not. Therefore, they themselves are creating the appearance of their time and their generation.


Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tam speaks at Conference

Talking about the difficulties of the ethnic minority writing team, writer Nong Quoc Lap shared at the conference that using of Vietnamese as the language of expression for their writings was a difficulty because it was not their mother tongue. Vietnamese language as a foreign language for them has greatly limited the team's writing. Another difficulty is the communication between upland writers and editors of newspapers, publishers. The interaction with their readers is also very limited. So it is difficult for them to create names, and publish their works. Coming to this conference, through his voice, he desired cultural institutions creating more favorable conditions to the team of ethnic minority writers to develop.


 Writer Nong Quoc Lap speaks at Conference

Ngo Gia Thien An, born in 1999, one of the youngest authors at the conference, confided that he felt worried because this was the first time he attended such a big conference. Many of the attendants were well-known authors with famous works. In spite of being young and inexperienced, he was happy to be involved in professional art environment so that he could learn and exchange from others about the job in order to get perfection and promote his creativity.

Evaluating young authors attending the conference, writer Chu Lai said: 120 delegates represented 120 feelings, 120 aspirations and 120 characters. He admired young writers as today's generation was good at foreign languages, culture, knowledge and they dared write and dared take responsibility for themselves. They met here with pure humanistic ideas. By standing by each other, supporting each other, they knew those who won or lost in the long and hard race of literature. There were no young or old writers, only good or bad ones.

(Translated by THUY NGUYEN)

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