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Awards given by the magazine Van Nghe Quan Doi to authors with the best works in 2015

Tuesday, 02/02/2016 08:34
logo - A ceremony to award authors with the best works in 2015 was held at the Van nghe Quan doi (VNQD) office on 26th Jan. 2016.
This is an annual activity of the magazine, which has been maintained over the years. In 2015, the editorial board decided to award 05 authors.
Chief Editor Nguyen Binh Phuong presents awards to authors
Bich Kieu Hau with the short story "Inside The Sea" ("Long Bien" - VNQD No. 827 + 828)
Phan Trung Nghia with the note "The Heirloom Of The Family" ("Bao Boi Cua Dong Ho" - VNQD No. 829).
Nguyen Viet Chien with the poems: "
Dong Loc Rain Truong Bon Wind " ("Mua Dong Loc Gio Truong Buon" - VNQD No. 822), and "They Very Likely Hate The Light" ("Rat Co The Chung Cam Thu Anh Sang" - VNQD No. 834).
Hoang Thanh with the photo series: "The Khmu Cultural Festival" ("Le Hoi Van Hoa Cua Nguoi Kho Mu"), "The Home Village-Waking Trumpet Sound" ("Tieng Ken Đanh Thuc Lang Que"), "The Katu People's Wedding" ("Le Cuoi Cua Nguoi Kha Yu") (VNQD online).
Pham Minh Hai with illustrations in the year.
Poet Nguyen Viet Chien delivers a speech at the ceremony
At the ceremony, Chief Editor Nguyen Binh Phuong presented awards to writer Bich Kieu Hau , poet Nguyen Viet Chien and painter Hoang Thanh. Author Phan Trung Nghia and artist Pham Minh Hai were absent because of their own commitments.
Nguyen Viet Chien, who has worked with VNQD since the resistance war against the US, shared his feelings of the first time he received an award as well as the first time his poem "The Play" ("Vo dien") was printed on VNQD. For him, such moments are his literature passports in the field of writing. He also said, the best poems in his writing life had all been first published on VNQD.
Writer Kieu Bich Hau shared on the short story "Inside The Sea" - a ten thousand letter long work posted on VNQD. She said, the images of naval soldiers always had a special place in her. So after a long day field trip, she had accrued her full emotions for this short story. She also said, she had put all of a man beauty, according to her opinion, to the characters in the story.
Kieu Bich Hau also said, every time she sent her works to VNQD, she felt like she were in a contest. And each time her works were published, it was like receiving a reward. The author also sent words of thank to the editor board as they have had encouraged her to adjust her works so details were more thoughtful and more of herself were explored. Kieu Bich Hau compared the works printed on VNQD with "branded" ones. And "the branded class" had been achieved precisely because of the skillful, dedicated and demanding editors board who always wanted each work to achieve its perfection when it appeared on the magazine. 
On behalf of the editorial board, writers Do Tien Thuy (Head of the Prose Section of the magazine) and poet Phung Van Khai (Head of the Poetry Section) expressed their sincere thanks and looked forward to more works as well as the introduction of new writers on VNQD .
To conclude the ceremony, Chief Editor Nguyen Binh Phuong expressed his desire that, in 2016, writers, poets, officials and soldiers in the magazine would make more efforts to improve the magazine quality, to firmly keep its position as one of the leading literary magazine in the readers' heart.
(Translated by VU HUNG)
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