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Book on Fidel Castro introduced to public

Friday, 15/09/2023 11:10

The Vietnam News Agency Publishing House has recently introduced to the public a book named “Fidel Castro - Huyen thoai xuyen the ky” (Fidel Castro - A legend through centuries), a collection of articles and writings about the Cuban leader collected, selected and translated by veteran journalist Pham Dinh Loi.

Cover of book “Fidel Castro - Huyen thoai xuyen the ky” (Photo: Vietnam News Agency Publishing House)

The publication marks the 50th anniversary of the Cuban leader’s visit to the liberated zone in Quang Tri province during the war, the 70th anniversary of the attack on Moncada Barracks of Cuba, and the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam.

The over-300-page book comprises articles, memoirs, reviews and comments of many historical witnesses, including typical politicians (Tomas Borge), great intellectuals (Frei Betto, Salim Lamrani, Michel Chosudovsky), famous Cuban and international writers and artists (Miguel Barnet, Gabriel Garcia Marquez), great journalists (Oliver Stone, Gianni Mina, Ignacio Ramonet), sports stars (Diego Maradona), and some Vietnamese authors.

Loi studied the Spanish language at the University of Havana and working as a resident reporter in Cuba and Latin America for more than a decade. He had the good fortune to meet the legendary leader during his career.

Source: VNA

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