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Costumes of Ha Nhi ethnic women in Y Ty

Tuesday, 17/10/2023 09:33

Situated at an altitude of 2,000m above sea level, Y Ty commune, Bat Xat district of Lao Cai province is home to the black Ha Nhi ethnic group.

Apart from planting wet rice, the black Ha Nhi ethnic minority people in Y Ty grow cotton for yarns which are woven to form cotton fabric for making their unique costumes.

The costumes of the black Ha Nhi people include a shirt, pants, headscarf, and hair tie, among others. Among them, shirt is the most spectacular item with impressive embroidery patterns.

In the black Ha Nhi people’s tradition, indigo head scarf indicates the state of marriage of a girl. Those wearing head scarves are married.

Below are photos of beautiful costumes of the black Ha Nhi ethnic minority people taken by photographer CAO Art.

A Ha Nhi mother and her daughter in traditional costumes.

The costumes decorated with embroidery patterns.

Girls’ hats decorated with colorful cotton balls.

Shirt collars highlighted with opposite bright color fabrics.

The black Ha Nhi ethnic people’s shirts have pointed hems.

The front flap of the black Ha Nhi ethnic people’s shirt is shorter than the back one.

Source: qdnd  (translated by Song Anh)

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