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Culture-tourism week underway in Phu Yen province

Monday, 03/04/2023 16:35

A culture-tourism week kicked off in the South-central province of Phu Yen on April 1 night, expected to recover and spur local tourism.
The program is organized by the provincial People’s Committee to celebrate 412 years of Phu Yen’s formation and development (1611-2023) and 48 years of its liberation (April 1, 1975).

A musical performance in the launching ceremony of Phu Yen province's culture-tourism week.

There will be a festival for music bands and art troupes in and outside the province, a cuisine fair and art performances within the framework of the week, to last until April 7.

In his opening remarks, deputy head of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism Nguyen Le Phuc said the program demonstrates the local tourism sector’s efforts in promoting its image and raising its tourism values.

Lying on the South-central coast of Vietnam, Phu Yen is endowed by nature with a peaceful and romantic environment that has attracted many visitors.

Phu Yen reminds many visitors of Ghenh Da Dia, overlapped rocky plates in An Ninh Dong Commune of Tuy An District. It is truly a strange geological scene and said to be second-to-none in Vietnam. Seen from afar, it is close to the coast and always splashed by sea waves, the rocky columns look like a huge beehive, built with many rocky plates of different shapes and sizes and interlocked in layers.

Meanwhile, O Loan Lagoon, also in Tuy An district and a national-level beauty-spot, attracts visitors due to its romantic feel. Seen from above, the lake looks like a big bird ready to fly to the sky with its huge wings. There are lots of special aquatic products living in the lake, of which the O Loan blood cockles are particularly well known in the region.

Built near the peaceful Ba River, the Mang Lang Temple with its nearly 120 year-old history, has preserved a national precious item, the Cathechismvs book, the first national language printed book of the Vietnamese made by Priest Alexandre de Rhodesin 1651 in Rome.

Going southwards, the Vung Ro Bay in Hoa Xuan Nam Commune of Dong Hoa district has deep blue water. The bay is surrounded by the Ca Pass, Da Bia Mountain and Hon Ba Mountain. Visitors can take tours to see the beauty of the ocean or climb Da Bia Mountain always covered in white mist.

Not too far from Vung Ro Bay is Dai Lanh Cape, the easternmost pole of the country’s mainland where the first rays of the dawn comes to the S-shaped country of Vietnam.

With its huge sea potential and natural beauty-spots that have been depicted in many poems, songs and movies, Phu Yen province has plenty of opportunities for further development.

Source: VNA

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